About Me

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This summer we are hopping in the car and driving across this great land... the USA! We'd love your input and ideas of places we must see. We may even come by your home town where we'd love to get the local perspective and maybe your family picture, too!

What's the perfect day in your favorite town? Please Tell! We're Planning a Trip Here!

Driving down the 15 into Temecula yesterday, I was taken with how truly beautiful it is. The tall snow capped mountains surrounding a green valley; just miles away from some of the worlds most beautiful deserts and beaches. There is so much to do here. I was thinking about what a perfect morning in the Temecula Valley could include. What could we do here if we had a free morning?

1-Photograph the Hot Air Balloons at sunrise over the vines.
2-Farmer's Market in Old Town for fresh Breakfast Crepes and strawberries.
3-Family walk/hike at Santa Rosa Plateau

Temecula has WAY more to do than just that. The list would be endless. Please tell us about a perfect outing in one of your favorite towns, and pass it to a friend. We are looking for some input for our USA Trip this summer.

Really? The Cha Cha Slide? Valentines Party Gone Wild...

I apoligize for not editing this...it will be a bore to most but I know the aunts and uncles will get a laugh out of it. Hang in there, you'll see slightly (ever so slightly) more than butts in just a moment. He was holding two cameras and not looking where either was recording. Oh yeah, and if you can hear music before clicking play, scroll all the way down and pause it. The boys loaded music a while back...

So danged adorable!

Some cousins in Australia sent us a bunch of photos of this cute little guy. The weather is horribly hot and for anyone following the news, there has been a horrible fire. Find more photos on my brothers blog. Check him out... he's the hamurgerking you see on my blog list.
Happy Valentines Day...

Eagle Scout!

We have officially started our second sons Eagle Scout project! We are sending lots of rice and beans to orphans in Mexico. Originally, a food drive was not the goal, as generally Eagle projects are supposed to have a long lasting affect on a community. The project was approved as the basic nutrition is so desperately needed at this time. On the right side of this page you'll find a link to follow the project. Please take a minute and show support. It's really going to be a great expirience and we hope you'll ocassionally follow along!

We love babies at our house! The boys so wish baby cousin was here every day. I've even been offered that we can have the baby every day, or a baby donkey...which do you want Mom? As sad as it may be for the boys, it will be neither. I don't think we our neighborhood zoned for 6 boys- oh, I mean donkeys.

Question (boy2 asks... please help)
If quizzes are quizzicle, then what are tests?
This is my life. I have a rule at our house. If I have to hear about, see, see you touch, see it get punched, or in any other way damaged, all boys invloved must wear an athletic supporter for the remainder of the day. All 6 males in this house can't go 10 seconds without some mention or sound coming form the lower half of their bodies.
HELP ME! I'm stuck living with the lost boys and I can't decide if I want to be Wendy, or Tinkerbell.

Here are some snapshots from boy1's Mini-Road Trip for his 16th Bday. He had a day of fun climbing then Albama Hills near Lone Pine and sledding in Mammoth. There is an amazing bakery in Bishop that makes the whole trip worth while, even if there is no snow!
Thank you Lisa! Now that you've gone throught the work to make this look pretty for me, I'm going to feel obligated to keep up with it. It's just the push I need, so thanks! I'm really not even that busy right now, so ignoring my blog is apprently just me having a hard time getting into it. I'll get there... keep poking and pushing, okay?


We have put some of our favorite music on, enjoy =)

Lisa, check out the profile photo... it's all for you.
It's true, the Smiths are actually blogging. We've finally become motivated to take the time and create a blog in hopes that we will get lots of ideas from family and friends for planning our USA road trip this summer.
Please add us to your list of blogs to check. We not only want your ideas for must see places in the USA, but we hope to meet friends and family along the way.
Love, The Smiths