Driving down the 15 into Temecula yesterday, I was taken with how truly beautiful it is. The tall snow capped mountains surrounding a green valley; just miles away from some of the worlds most beautiful deserts and beaches. There is so much to do here. I was thinking about what a perfect morning in the Temecula Valley could include. What could we do here if we had a free morning?
1-Photograph the Hot Air Balloons at sunrise over the vines.
2-Farmer's Market in Old Town for fresh Breakfast Crepes and strawberries.
3-Family walk/hike at Santa Rosa Plateau
Temecula has WAY more to do than just that. The list would be endless. Please tell us about a perfect outing in one of your favorite towns, and pass it to a friend. We are looking for some input for our USA Trip this summer.
Apophenic Apptitude
13 years ago